Open Source

I don't code much, but when I do I try to make it as useful as possible to others. Now that I have enough experience and working projects, I thought I'd share some with everyone else.

Terbidium (formerly 'Websource') - PHP/MySQL Driven Website

:: Download Terbidium::
This is the source code for this site's major features and functions. Features include the news page, menu, administration system, MySQL DB template, user account/preference system, user poll, internet links, and search features. I'm very happy to release this code for others to poke at and play with. I've spent a lot of time working on this site and I'd like to share my experience & work with PHP with everyone else.

Demo: You're looking at it ;)

Version History:
[Please Click Here]

Logger - DJ Playlist Logger

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This program was written expressly for the purpose of simplifying the log process that DJ's are required to do while on the air. The program writes flat files, storing them in a diretory tree that is dynamically created based on the current date. This is a Visual Basic program.

Windows NT/2000/XP (Tested on Win2k & XP)

Winamp 2.xx (Tested with 2.78-2.91)
WinampCOM Plugin

Other Dependencies:
Visual Basic 6 Runtime Library
Any included DLL's and OCX files

Version History:
- 1.0.21 (9/20/03) - Initial Public Release.

Automation Control - Music Automation System

:: Download Automation ::
This program was written expressly for the purpose of replacing several existing plugins and external programs used to rotate the playlists on an "automation" system at WGHR, the college radio station of SPSU (in Marietta, GA). This program will automagically parse out any full path to an mp3, and get the folder, genre, artist, and track name, and log them as 'artist - track'. This is of course based on a simple directory structure where tracks are organized into genres and artist groups (see restrictions). A special playlist is played at the top and bottom of each hour--an original requirement of having PSA's and special advertisements at set times during every hour of the day. (Which makes this application ideal for both on-air broadcast, or online/Shoutcast streaming.) The included database can also be used to drive a dynamic (PHP) website that can advertise your showtimes (it even has a user account table ^_^). This is a Visual Basic program.

Windows NT/2000/XP (Tested on Win2k & WinXP)
Winamp 2.xx (Tested with 2.x & 5.x)
WinampCOM Plugin

Winamp 2.xx (Tested with 2.78-2.91)
WinampCOM Plugin

Other Dependencies:
Visual Basic 6 Runtime Library
Any included DLL's and OCX files
MySQL Database (for song log & schedule)

Version History:
- 1.1.40 (02/12/2004) - Initial Public Release.
- 1.1.43 (02/21/2004) - Allowed plugs and psa duration to be set to 0 (disabled).

:PHatCat - The PHP :CueCat Decoder

:: Download :PHatCat ::
This is a PHP adaptation of Dustin Sallings' kittycode.js script. It decodes pretty much every standard barcode and provides links to several databases for additional product info.

Demo: :PHatCat

Version History:
- 1.0 (10/9/00) - Initial Public Release.